Founded in 1952 as the Pyrates Confraternity; formally registered under the Nigerian Land (Perpetual Succession) Act Cap 98 as “The National Association of Seadogs”. Now in its 62nd year of existence, over 25,000 people have, at various stages, belonged to the organization.
National Association of Seadogs

Who we are?
ational Association of Seadogs (Pyrates Confraternity) was founded in 1952 at the University of Ibadan, by seven similar-minded undergraduates:
- Wole Soyinka
- Ralph Opara
- Pius Oleghe
- Ikpehare Aig-Imoukhuede
- Nathaniel Oyelola
- Olumuyiwa Awe
- Sylvanus U. Egbuche
At the time the Pyrates Confraternity was founded in 1952, the University of Ibadan (then called University College) was the principal institution of higher learning in Nigeria. Correspondingly, it was a near exclusive preserve of children from wealthy backgrounds. In the negative perspective, the result of this middle and upper class catchment area produced numerous students bred on the cankerworm of class privilege and indifference to the social problems of the country. The handful of students from poor backgrounds whose entry into the institution was only procured by virtue of their individual excellence, tried to stick doggedly to their academic work, in anticipation of the prize of scholarship which would compensate for the indignities they experienced at the time. Sadly, many were distracted by if not converted to adopting the attitude of their aristocratic peers, such that they strove assiduously to acquire, both in appearance and outlook, those unpleasant habits. This was a reflection of the depths of decadence prevalent in the wider society in Nigeria.
It is also to be remembered that the 1950s almost marked the pinnacle of the nationalist movement which was, regrettably, characterized by the ingratiation of three of the worst forms of discriminatory practices currently crippling Nigeria – Corruption; elitism and tribalism. Political aspirations in the wider society were riddled by these practices, which, not surprisingly, were very prominent within the university environment. The Students’ Representative Council that was the gateway to political power within the campus reflected exactly what was happening in the wider society.

It is against this background that the organization was formed. What was to emerge was a body that was non-political, non-religious, de-tribalised and structured to ensure effectiveness, cohesion, and productivity. The organization was determined to sustain this drive by firmly establishing its principal objective of upholding human dignity and maintaining a just and progressive society shorn of discriminatory and unmeritorious considerations.
In 1980, the Pyrates Confraternity was formally registered with the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Land (Perpetual Succession) Act Cap 98 with the name “The National Association of Seadogs”. Now in its 62nd year of existence, over 25,000 people have, at various stages, belonged to the organization. To date, the organization is present in all 36 states of Nigeria, and has full-fledged branches in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Unites States of America, Japan, Holland, South Africa and Canada.
Its aims are achieved by participation in a wide range of social activities, front-running commentaries on socio-political and economic issues with a view to bringing a dispassionate and problem-solving approach to thorny issues and to provide solutions where required. Its involvement in the Nigerian society has, over the years, spanned nearly all aspects of the country’s societal life. Whilst it is a fundamental aspect of its existence to eschew self-place, it is sufficient to say that it has left (and will continue to leave) an indelible mark on the Nigerian societal ethos. The improvement of societal standards is encapsulated in its operational watchwords, “the four compass points”: Against Moribund Convention, Against Ethnicity, For humanistic ideals, For comradeship and Chivalry.
Our Ideals
- Against Moribund Convention
- Against Tribalism
- For Humanistic Ideals
- For Chivalry & Comradeship
- Deck before Ego
- All before Self
- Sense before Slogan
- Truth before Cant
- Learn before Leap
- Change over Stasis
- Act over Yap